Our Bussiness
My mom gave me back my newborn (fullmoon) hair & umbilical cord in an red envelope when I was about to get married.
I was touched because these represent the life, love & connection that my mon has given to me before birth.
Thus I started This wonderful journey to perserve the sense of love and gratitude among the parents with their children.

Products Category

Scholar Brush
The Scholar Brush is made from a newborn’s 1st natural edge of hair, then preserved as a memorable and valuable gift.
Umbilical Cord Seal
The umbilical cord is sealed professionally within the Crystal, then engraved with the child’s name and the parents’

Hair Art
This is another way to keep the full moon hair – Fullmoon Hair Art. It is made from the newborn hair, 100% by handwork. It consist of both elegant and collection value.
Combo Sets
Get special discount by purchasing both Umbilical Cord Seal and Scholar Brush together.

Hand & Foot Mould
Actual 3D memories you can keep for your little precious one. (Must bring Baby on the spot)